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Restricted cycling

Let’s say I have the following setup : Internal monitor -> Emmet space #1 (Full screen) External monitor -> Emmet space #2 (Half left) External monitor -> Emmet space #3 (Half right) External monitor -> Emmet space #4 (Full screen) The current behavior is the following : Moving windows -> I’m able to send a focused window to a given Emmet space Focusing windows -> I’m able to loop cycle the focus through windows inside a given Emmet space without focusing windows of another Emmet spaces (let’s call this feature "restricted cycling" ) -> This behavior works well inside Emmet spaces #1, #2 and #3 When I loop cycle the focus through windows inside the Emmet space #4, then the cycling is not restricted to windows inside this space, in fact, windows from other Emmet spaces are also focused while cycling. What I would like : Keep the behavior 1 as it Apply the behavior 2.1 to all Emmet spaces and remove the behavior 2.2. So that I can have a consistent focusing experience regardless of the Emmet space I’m on. Optionally : For users that may not like the "restricted cycling" feature you could allow them to control the activation of this feature globally inside Emmet’s general settings or per Emmet space while defining the space properties. Allow users to cycle forward and backward while focusing windows, so that, if an Emmet space contains a lot of windows, I don’t need to cycle through all the windows inside this space to reach the the previous one.

Donaldo 8 months ago